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La guilde OubliZ ouvre son recrutement pour la bêta de Guild Wars 2 -
OubliZ - Guild Wars 2
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La guilde OubliZ ouvre son recrutement pour la bêta de Guild Wars 2 -
OubliZ - Guild Wars 2
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Sexe : Nombre de messages : 1271 Age : 33 Localisation : sur mumble Emploi/loisirs : geek de Guildwars
Sujet: bêta presse Lun 20 Fév - 14:23
Citation :
Guilds & Catacomb Dungeon Merchants First things first, I want to start off with some new information – the guild system in Guild Wars 2. I’ve written a short article on it here, but it also comes with video:
At the end of the video we also see what the Ascalon Catacombs dungeon offers in terms of rewards. The currency is yet unknown, but definitely not something you pick up in Story Mode (or at least not in this CBT).
Even though each city has its own Tour & Information Guides, we felt like we should go the extra mile and record a tour of each major city. Well, more like limp through each city because of frame rate issues.
Here are vids showcasing the skills for each class. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything on traits because I hadn’t realized that my auto-leveling to 30 included a book in my inventory to unlock the first tier. *sadface* • Elementalist • Engineer
Each of these videos contain the emotes that are in the game (in this order: /beckon /bow /cheer /cower /cry /kneel /laugh /no /point /ponder /salute /shrug /sit /sleep /surprised /threaten /wave /yes). I’m not sure if this is going to stay as is, but in order to direct your emote to a specific person or thing, you must target them/it and type something like this: /wave @ – the emote would change from “Kvinna waves.” to “Kvinna waves at Jenn.” • Female Norn, Male Norn • Female Charr, Male Charr
Skill Points – Videos on Book Collectables & Jumping Puzzle
One thing you’ll take away after watching the profession skill videos is the skill points that are required to purchase utility and elite skills. Not only do you receive a point each time you level, but there are various trials out in the world that grant you extra points. They can come in the form of bestiary book collectables, NPC brawls and random jumping puzzles throughout the lands (GL Simon and Lewis). [Video inc.]
Last December, Eric Flannum wrote an end of the year article and included some new information on the achievement system. Today, we have a video for you that shows all the current achievements in the game, including a few titles you can receive for them.
PvE Gameplay
Unfortunately time ran out for us and we were only able to get PvE gameplay footage on a couple of professions. • Female Norn Mesmer [Part I], [Part II]
These are some of the smaller videos that were recorded to show off some of the things people might miss. • Gathering Animations
• Dye Merchant & Map of Divinity’s Reach (Colorful Seeds currently drop randomly from mobs.) • Main Hero Panel • Minipets I’ll continue updating this post as we get more videos uploaded to our YouTube account!
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